Hands on Reiki on a Greyhound

What Is Animal Reiki?

We have touched briefly on Animal Reiki in What is Reiki?, and in many ways, Reiki works in the same way. It is the animal’s interpretation or experience of receiving the energy that sets Animal Reiki apart from People Reiki. And by this, I mean the body-mind-spirit’s autonomic interpretation of the energy being received.
Most animals, most of the time, will operate in the present moment. We commonly see the domestic animal out of alignment with the present moment when mirroring their owner’s emotional/energetic state; ever noticed the anxious dog is often led by an anxious owner and how that nervous horse is often mounted by a nervous rider? Except we are better at hiding our emotions than our animal counterparts.

When we offer Reiki to these animals, with the intention of reducing these particular anxieties, we will begin to dissolve the energetic imprint left on the nervous system that seems to reinforce the undesirable behaviour. And even better, when the owner is offering Reiki energy, they too are receiving the energy and dissolving the energetic imprints on their nervous system, including the trauma that may have triggered the anxiety in the first place.
I guess this explains how Reiki can work with animals, but it still doesn’t explain what it is……..
The profound and complex healing process that can be triggered by such a simple energy healing therapy obligates an element of mystery that requires a small amount of trust and acceptance, which can then be strengthened with sentience. The same way we accept Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, because we see and experience it working.
Everything we are, see, touch and think is made up of energy. This is a given. Even the keyboard I type with needed human brain energy to invent, physical energy to draw and record calculations, electrical energy to manufacture, Bluetooth energy to connect it.
Reiki is a way of harnessing the pure, compassionate healing energy of the universe and redirecting it to remind the body how to process naturally, holistically and spiritually. When we are consciously aware of our routine synthetic applications, such as vaccines, wormers, flea treatments, pain relief, anti-inflammatories, supplements and, most alarmingly, food; it is understandable how the body can become slow to respond, especially later in life or when experiencing trauma.

We can view the application of Reiki as a natural support system that compliments and assists the lifesaving medicines of today’s world.
It is often in the last stages of life that we experience the spiritual connection we have with our animals, when offering Reiki in this time, we as guardians, become confident in our decisions for their life because we are feeling the connectedness and mutual understanding of the time being ‘right’, it takes away the what if’s and the maybe’s and, sometimes for the first time, we understand how the energetic connection flows deeper and further than skin and bone and this connection will remain once they have left their body. This in itself can be the difference between a good death (yes they exist) and a traumatic experience.
As depressing as that may seem, it is in these moments that we can truely appreciate the practice of energy work and realise the gift of healing that can enhance not only the lives of our animals, but also the lives we choose to live.

Enjoy your animals even more by creating space to heal!