Photo of hands on self reiki - hands on chest and torso

Show Up For Your Reiki Practice

A Reiki System

Reiki is more than just placing your hands and relaxing into treatment. This will work of course, but Reiki is a system. And without consistent practice, awareness and intention, we can become complacent. You need to show up for your Reiki practice to truely benefit.

What does complacency look like in a Reiki practice? 

Complacency is a little bit sneaky, no one is intentionally complacent, it begins in our regular practice. Often, when have experienced wonderful changes in our lives, both subtle and impacting, the inevitable plateau can feel a little dull. We begin fall into our routine with little thought or intention. At first this is a nice feeling, we have learned, we have practiced, we have shared and now we feel accomplished enough to have a regular beneficial practice. No doubt it is beneficial, but it is at this time that our brains need a little more stimulation or….. dum dum duuuum……. enter complacency!

Our mind’s natural process will seek the path of least resistance. This is why so many of us love habits, they are easy (once established), and so, if we are to stay on top of our Reiki game, we need to assess every now and then. 

What complacency may look like:

  1. I forget to give myself daily Reiki
  2. I feel too busy for self treatment
  3. It feels easier to “do it later”
  4. I half heartedly place my hands, knowing full well I’ll be asleep in seconds (it is the intention I’m referring here to, not the act, Reiki will definitely flow when asleep too)
  5. My mind is exploring my to do list, or shopping list etc during self practice

A Normal Process

It is important to note that this is a completely normal behaviour of the human brain, it needs just enough learning to grow and is easy enough to keep it interested, but not too hard so that it gives up.  This is when we need to ‘Show up for our Reiki Practice’. Showing up can sound like effort, but it doesn’t have to be.  

Here are 10 ways to show up for your Reiki practice when you notice these hints of complacency sneaking in:

  1. Revisit your training manuals, there is always a part of our training we can now incorporate and it will feel new and shiny to our brain but familiar enough to integrate straight into our practice
  2. Read a Reiki book, there are always new perspectives when reading someone’s Reiki journey or new practices you could try
  3. You may feel inspired to write about your own Reiki journey and publish them as articles 😉
  4. Contact your Reiki Master, regular catch ups will lead to thought inspiring conversations
  5. Join a local Reiki share, connecting with Reiki practitioners will almost always inspire and empower us
  6. Resit a Reiki class, we are guaranteed to hear something new the second time round
  7. Attend a different form of Reiki class, we can learn from different practices and experiences
  8. Stretch your practice, you may start treating family and friends, or take new clients, or even start your teaching journey
  9. Go on a Reiki retreat
  10. Join Reiki forums on line

Some of these suggestion are easy to implement. And some may take more money, time and effort but it is the array of options available to us that is exciting. 

Reiki is a subtle practice that can have deep and meaning impacts on our lives, when we hold an awareness of our practice and allow ourselves to grow with Reiki, our lives will simply get better and better and better.

Reiki Association of Western Australia logo made up of grey hands cupping the Reiki Japanese kanji in pink. To the right in a large pink Reiki word and Association of WA in grey.

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Becoming a member of a recognised Association not only empowers you to become involved in the Reiki community, it offers connection withlike minded people.
And interesting gatherings and events through the year.
Amy has been on the committee of the Reiki Association of WA since 2015 and is proud to be Vice Chair and Volunteer Co-Ordinator.