
Dear Reader,

Reiki is a healing practice. I have come to realise that one of the most effective ways it does this, is by causing relaxation on a regular basis. Relaxation is largely a physical activity and psychologists have released a mountain of papers in support of the health benefits of relaxation. So there is no wonder that when we engage in a Reiki practice, we feel those physical benefits first. Then we start to notice how our emotional state stabilises, a situation that caused anxiety last month seems easier to handle, and when we begin to recognise these little wins, we notice how other things get easier too. Things like ….. going for that run, cooking a healthy meal or choosing a book over our newsfeed. These positive mental acts not only make us feel good, but they are good for us.
And it all begins with the super simple practice of Reiki, it comes with just the right amount of mystery to teach us faith, the right amount of sensation for us to feel validation, and an infinite amount of possibility – of what we can heal from, and invite into our lives.
Well, this is my experience of Reiki and I can’t wait to share more with you.

Much love and Reiki,

About Amy

Amy profile
Amy Brandon

Amy learnt Reiki 1 in 2014 and quickly cultivated a daily practice. Through this consistency, she noticed changes occurring, at first they were subtle and then more obvious. She came to realise the link with Reiki and was eager to learn more.
After learning Reiki 2 in 2015, even greater healing and life changes occurred and Amy’s passion to share this simple practice grew.
Having experienced the possibilities herself, Amy felt the pull to teach others and embarked on a year long apprenticeship to become an initiating master – teacher in 2017.

Amy teaches with the same passion for Reiki that she felt from her Reiki master and strives to empower and support her students in the same way.

Now in Perth, Western Australia, Amy’s focus is to help people deepen the connection with their own healing qualities through Reiki treatments and Reiki Classes.

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Contact Form

Mailing List

Our Mailing List is a free occasional e-mail that offers info, updates and events. It’s irregular, interesting and to the point. Click here to  subscribe.

Class Dates


Reiki 1Sunday the
November3rd & 10th
Reiki 2
August4th & 11th
Animal Reiki
Ad-hoc classes can be booked with a minimum of 4 people.


Deposit – $50
Reiki 1 Class – $250 
Reiki 2 Class – $350
Animal Reiki – $350
Reiki class re-sit – $75

Please send an email to amy@sharesomereiki.com to book any class and pay via direct bank transfer:
Amy Brandon
BSB: 306-048
ACC: 0927171
Reference: your name

Or use the online booking system:

Book an appointment with Personnel Calendar using SetMore

Why re-take a class?

If you have taken in-person Reiki classes before, you may want to re-sit to refresh your knowledge, deepen your understanding or learn from different Reiki teachers. Whatever your reseaon, I can say from experience, that it is worthwhile. You can re-sit a Reiki class here for only $75, a copy of your Reiki certificate is requested. For some easy reading on why we re-sit Reiki classes click here – Returning to Reiki.

share the love

The Friends & Family initiative offers a discount for each class attended. Bring a friend or family member and you will both receive $25 off that class.
Taken all the classes? Earn $25 off treatment for each referral.